Sleeping Beauty Pavilion
Sleeping Beauty Pavilion is located in The Disneyland Hotel and is definitely the most popular reception spot at The Disneyland Resort. The octagon shape lends itself perfectly to a dance floor surrounded by tables.
Guest minimum – 80
Guest maximum – 120
Real Weddings:
Brides, Books, and Bees: Renee and Diana’s Disneyland Wedding
Jannette and Vincent’s Fairy Tale Summer Disneyland Wedding
Mandi and Steve’s Bright and Cheerful Springtime Disneyland Wedding
Dene and Dylan’s Romantic Red Disneyland Wedding
Heather and Adam’s Romantic Disneyland Wedding
Rachel and Michael’s Majestic and Purple Disneyland Wedding
Louisa and Joshua – 2014- Kaysha Weiner Photography
Photos by White Rabbit Photo Boutique
Images from Disney Weddings Showcase in February 2020